#SummerMyWay Lenovo #Yoga2Pro Laptop Winner Announcement
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#SummerMyWay Lenovo #Yoga2Pro Laptop Winner Announcement

Well I’m so glad I’d managed to once again coerce my good friend Cyn (http://thefoodpornographer.com) to do the judging for this competition. There were so many stunning entries it would have been near impossible for me to pick one. First up, the winner of the Yoga 2 Pro laptop from Lenovo Australia and New Zealand…

Press Release: Jackie M Charity Wine Dinner in the Pyrenees
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Press Release: Jackie M Charity Wine Dinner in the Pyrenees

I’ve been invited by Rainbow Gallery Café in Victoria’s Pyrenees wine region to do a Malaysian wine dinner on Saturday 5 September. After the media storm of the last couple of weeks over baby Noah, I’ve asked that part of the proceeds go towards Down Syndrome NSW. The 5 courses I’m preparing will be gluten-free,…

My masterclass participants feigning enjoyment during the Saturday session. It was all tantrums and tears behind the scenes - my tantrums and their tears.
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World’s Greatest Malaysian Cooking Masterclasses

Print PDF These are authentic, real, NOT FAKE, feedback about my most recent Malaysian cooking Masterclasses –  “YOUR DA BEST!!!!” – Tom B Lee Bu, Professor Emeritus, English Literature, Oxford. “That Pad Thai Masterclass was incredible. Thanks for bringing me closer to mastering Malaysian food!” – Nigel, food blogger at pretentiouslicious.com (last seen leaving the…

Ramadan Around Malaysia – My Google Hangouts-On-Air
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Ramadan Around Malaysia – My Google Hangouts-On-Air

Print PDF I’m almost scared to announce this for fear of jinxing these Live Broadcasts but here it goes! After a 3 months+ enforced hiatus from my weekly Google Hangouts-On-Air thanks to my relocation nightmare that included a failed internet service restore, I’m back in the game with a vengeance. I’m running a series of…