Jackie M TeebTV Announcement
I’m the (newly-appointed) co-founder of an Indonesian-Malaysian Netflix-for-Indies startup called TeebTV and there’s an opportunity if you’re a content creator, to get your work added to our library and in front of our audience.
We’re looking for the following in all genres – short films, music videos, animation, feature films and TV shows. Our subscriber base gets free access to some content and pays for others; for paid content we will offer a profit-share arrangement with the copyright owners.
We’re due to launch with our Indonesian partner very shortly, which will get your videos in front of an existing audience of 11 million, with further expansion plans in the works.
The media company behind TeebTV has previously been involved in a number of notable projects in Malaysia including 2 feature films and this viral commercial for Petronas to celebrate Malaysia’s 50th year of Independence –
This is a great opportunity for talented filmmakers to get your work showcased and to get noticed especially in that part of the world and also globally (the content will be accessible worldwide).
To submit your work or for more information, please email media@jackiem.com.au ; I look forward to hearing from you.