How to Cook Szechuan Crispy Eggplant With Yu Xiang Sauce
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How to Cook Szechuan Crispy Eggplant With Yu Xiang Sauce

Yu Xiang means “fish-fragrant” in Mandarin, but I’ve avoided using the direct translation in this title to avoid confusion – there’s no fish in this vegan dish, much like there’s no seafood in hoisin (Cantonese for “seafood”) sauce. “Fish-fragrant” references the fact that the sweet, sour and spicy combination in the sauce is often used…

How to Make Kuih Bingka Ubi (Baked Cassava Cake)
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How to Make Kuih Bingka Ubi (Baked Cassava Cake)

Kuih Bingka Ubi or Baked Cassava Cake is about as simple a Malay kuih as you can make, and the bonus is that it’s gluten-free. If you’re based in Sydney, you should be able to find grated cassava easily in the freezer section of Indian and well-stocked Asian grocery stores – it’s a definite timesaver….