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Martin Yan In Sydney – What’s On, Where

When I first came to Australia in 1984 I watched an Australian TV chef misconvey how to handle a basic Asian ingredient (rice vermicelli) on breakfast television. It made me so angry I swore off watching cooking shows, and the passage of time hasn’t really repaired my cynicism about TV chefs (I’ve never even watched my own cooking segments on TV).  

All this is to say that I don’t have my finger on the pulse of who’s who in “celebrity chefdom”.

However, there’s one name I do recognise – Martin Yan. 

That is because Martin Yan predates my disillusionment with TV chefs; in fact, Martin Yan’s TV show Yan Can Cook has been on television since 1982, and it continues to run to this day.

Now in his 70s, Martin Yan is headed to Sydney and I have been asked to organise his itinerary from 11-16 October, based around two specific requests from Martin:

1) the theme of food being a great uniter of people from different backgrounds and culture

2) showcasing Australian produce in Martin’s travels and cooking demos

I’ve decided to make full use of this very rare opportunity so I’ve recruited a professional videographer with TV experience to produce a documentary from Martin’s Sydney trip as well as film lots of content for use on different digital platforms.

We will be travelling all over Sydney and beyond, including a half-day exploration of Cabramatta’s food scene, and a visit to an oyster farm in the Hawkesbury. We’ll participate in both public and private events, all with the aim of showcasing what Australia has to offer.

Collaborating with me  on this venture are some exceptionally talented people in the food space, namely Tammi Matrouh, Aaron Gan (founder of the Sydney Hills Makan Group), Adeline Lamond, and, of course, Paul Gray. 

Amidst all these, there are 3 key opportunities for you to get up close and personal to Martin at these ticketed events:

      1. An 11-course VIP Dining Experience with Martin Yan at Chefs Gallery on Wednesday 11 October. Details & tickets here >> https://www.jackiemshop.com.au/product/dinner-experience-with-martin-yan
      2. A 7-course Durian-Inspired Lunch with Martin Yan at Ipoh Hawker on Saturday 14 October. Details & tickets here >> https://www.jackiemshop.com.au/product/martin-yan-ipoh-hawker-experience
      3. A Durian Masterclass with yours truly (Jackie M.) & Martin Yan also at Ipoh Hawker on Saturday 14 October. Details & tickets here >> https://www.jackiemshop.com.au/product/durian-masterclass-only-sat-14-oct

We have managed to secure sponsors including who are generously offering door prizes so all attendees will have the opportunity to go home with some great gifts and swag.

I hope you will join me to make Martin Yan’s trip to Sydney an unforgettably warm and welcoming experience, and I look forward to your company at one or more of these events.


Jackie M.

Current list of sponsors:

Holiday Inn, Darling Harbour

Lee Bakwa (Roastdfunkd)

Chatime Castle Towers

Knightsbridge Canberra

77 Mart

Nodens Group

Smile At 1st Bite

EZ Foodies P/L

Moo’ed Ice Cream Gordon

(Martin Yan as featured by Uncle Roger):

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