How to Make Sweet Potato Dumplings with Red Bean Paste Filling
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How to Make Sweet Potato Dumplings with Red Bean Paste Filling

  These sweet potato dumplings are pretty easy to make; you can used ready-to-use red bean paste (in cans or packs at your local Asian grocery store), though in this Live Asian Kitchen, I used the homemade red bean paste I’d made a couple of weeks earlier. Other popular filling options include lotus seed paste…

How to Make Harm Chim Peng (Savoury Doughnuts) w/Red Bean Filling
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How to Make Harm Chim Peng (Savoury Doughnuts) w/Red Bean Filling

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again… Harm Chim Peng (I’ve spelled the dish the way it’s pronounced in Cantonese; I don’t know of a standard spelling for it), is a type of savoury doughnut sold at street stalls back in Malaysia, and it comes in a number of different varieties – plain,…

How to Make Mashed Banana Fritters
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How to Make Mashed Banana Fritters

This is variously called Cekodok, Kuih Kodok or Jemput-Jemput Pisang in Malaysia. I added this snack to my market-stall menu to use up some overripe bananas, it proved so popular I kept it on for a long time. There are many different varieties of bananas in Malaysia and the kind traditionally used for this recipe…

Roti with Banana and Chocolate Sauce
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Roti with Banana and Chocolate Sauce

Roti Canai dough is usually flipped, but in this version, Chef Kris rolled it into a thin pastry which is then filled with banana slices. This is one of the dishes from the Shangri-La Tanjung Aru Wine Dinner I hosted recently. INGREDIENTS: Roti canai dough – 1 kg strong flour 1 tsp salt 2 egg…