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How to Cook Sambal Prawns – Everyday Gourmet TV

This is my Sambal Prawns recipe from my recent segment on Channel Ten’s Everyday Gourmet with Justine Schofield. Keep an eye out for my other upcoming appearances featuring more Malaysian dishes.

Malaysian Sambal Prawns by yours truly
Malaysian Sambal Prawns by Yours Truly


12 large prawns (shell on)
4 tbsp tapioca flour
2 egg whites, whisked
3 cups cooking oil
Fresh coriander, to garnish

3 tbsp fried shallots
4 tbsp chilli sauce (Sriracha or similar)
1 tbsp garlic, minced
1 tsp belacan (shrimp paste) powder
1 tbsp ginger, minced
½ tbsp chicken stock granules
4 tbsp sugar
3 tbsp tomato sauce
100 ml water
1 tbsp soya sauce
1 tsp lemon juice
2 eggs


1) Heat oil in a deep pan / wok. Clean and devein the prawns, coat in whisked egg whites, drench in tapioca flour, deep fry for 1 minute or until they just change colour. Remove from pan and set aside.

2) Heat 1 tbsp of oil in pan; add all sauce ingredients except eggs. Simmer for 3 minutes or until everything is dissolved / mixed through. Add the prawns back into the pan and coat with the sauce.

3) Remove from heat. Crack 2 eggs, mix quickly, then pour sauce over prawns.

4) Garnish and serve!

My carry-on containing my Yoga 3 Pro and some wardrobe options for my trip to Melbourne to film several segments for Everyday Gourmet TV.
My carry-on containing my Yoga 3 Pro and some wardrobe options for my trip to Melbourne to film several segments for Everyday Gourmet TV.
Behind the scenes at the Everyday Gourmet TV studio.
Behind the scenes at the Everyday Gourmet TV studio.

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