Chinese New Year Cooking Demos

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I’m going to be doing 3 of my favourite activities this coming weekend. All at the same time.

Jackie M Class


I love travel, and I’m travelling to Melbourne courtesy of Tourism Malaysia Australia.

Everyone knows about my passion for Malaysian cooking, and I’ll be doing that while I’m there.

The other thing I like doing, believe it or not, is public speaking.

Put all three together, and what could possibly go wrong, am I right?

I’m going to be doing cooking demonstrations at the Crown Casino Hawkers Bazaar on 1 & 2 Feb with the schedule as follows –

Saturday 11.45am – 12.45pm

Saturday 5.45pm – 6.45pm

Sunday 11.45am – 12.45pm

I’ll be talking about all things Malaysian, so make sure you come prepared with questions. Pick up a copy of my Truly Malaysian Street Food At Home Cookbook whilst you’re there, and grab my Recipe Cards with it.


I’ll be hanging around in between my demonstrations so come by and say hello, and pick my brains about Malaysian brands and products and what my favourites are.

Gung Hey Fatt Choy to all my friends and followers – may you have a Prosperous Chinese New Year 🙂

Red packets (ang pow) courtesy of The Federal Hotel Group that arrived in the mail today – what a terrific gesture from the beautiful and iconic Kuala Lumpur landmark –



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