
#HelpWyatt – Final Update and Winners Announcement

Congratulations to everyone who rallied to help Wyatt’s family cover his medical expenses; I am touched beyond measure by your show of generosity. My original target was $500; we’ve managed to raise AUD$1405.89 through book sales and personal donations (after processing fees and postage costs), AND separately raised USD$545.00 on Wyatt’s GoFundMe page which his…

Giveaway - Optimum HealthyFry #HelpWyatt
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Giveaway 2 – Optimum HealthyFry #HelpWyatt

Since I put out the call to #helpWyatt (initial story at, we’ve collectively managed to raise enough not just for the family’s upcoming medical trip this weekend, but also hopefully the next two as well. I emailed you a few days about Prestige Home Appliances and how they’ve stepped in and offered a Giveaway…