World’s Greatest Malaysian Cooking Masterclasses

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These are authentic, real, NOT FAKE, feedback about my most recent Malaysian cooking Masterclasses –

– Tom B Lee Bu, Professor Emeritus, English Literature, Oxford.

“That Pad Thai Masterclass was incredible. Thanks for bringing me closer to mastering Malaysian food!”
– Nigel, food blogger at (last seen leaving the class on Sunday. His family has filed a missing persons report).

“Awesome to meet Kyle’s co-host, though I have to say, things must be rough at 2Day FM for you to be moonlighting as a cook. P.S. I think I like you with long hair better, plus, sunscreen, girlfriend!”
– O.B Livious, radio junkie

“Jacqui /Jacky M (N?) truly is THE WORLD’S MOST RECOGNISABLE NAME in Malaysian food!”
– Tim Tam (ps. I’m being held against my will. Send help.)

Fooled you, didn’t it? I guess I should’ve asked my real participants to fill out customer satisfaction surveys, but that would entail proper “customer service” – something I’ve never been accused of mastering.

Over the course of two days we covered Laksas of Malaysia and CKT/Radish Cake/Popiah etc.

Both classes were at capacity (thank God for ring-ins. j/k).

Three of the four dishes each day turned out fine; as the Meatloaf classic goes – Three Out of Four Ain’t Bad.

In all seriousness though, I had a great time (never mind the participants. j/k, again.) – and one surprising discovery for me was that almost everyone who signed up had first connected with me once upon a time via Twitter.

Which has inspired me to get back into the Twitter groove after putting it on autopilot the last year or so.

So, Twitterverse aka the angriest place on the internet, the Noodle Nazi is back (cue angry tweets about my glib use of “Nazi”).

My masterclass participants feigning enjoyment during the Saturday session. It was all tantrums and tears behind the scenes - my tantrums and their tears.

My masterclass participants feigning enjoyment during the Saturday session. It was all tantrums and tears behind the scenes – my tantrums and their tears.

Thank you very much to everyone who came along; remember our secret code word – “Agak-Agak”!

For enquiries about future classes or to crack the meaning behind our secret code word, please email me at jackie(at) .

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