baby Noah
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Baby Noah and Jackie on a Cruise

baby Noah

A couple of months ago, a group of women from the Inner West Mums Facebook group decided to raise money to pay for Noah and me to go on a cruise. (Story here >> )

I was hesitant about sending the wrong message if I were to accept these women’s generous offer; I didn’t want to come across as a professional victim.

I raised this with the campaign organiser and she quickly put my mind at ease.

She assured me that this is not about rewarding victimhood at all.

By their actions, these women are showing solidarity with other mums (and dads) who are doing their best, often under tough circumstances, to juggle work and family.

I am hopeful that in the isolation and turmoil of parenthood, somebody out there will find solace in this message.

Parents should be supported, not attacked or threatened, for trying to safely integrate their kids with their work.

Thanks to the incredible kindness of the women in the Inner West Mums group and to Carnival Cruises, baby Noah and I will be enjoying a 10-day cruise to the Pacific Islands from 26 Nov – 6 Dec.

To everyone who helped make this happen, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Now, to get packing!

Jackie M.



theinnerwestmums   carnival

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