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How to Make Thai Khao Kriab Pak Moh

Thai Khao Kriab Pak Moh aka Steamed Rice Skin Dumplings

An elegant Thai royal delicacy made with rice flour batter and a chicken and prawn filling, Khao Kriab Pak Moh , taught by Chef Wassana at Shangri-La Chiang Mai. The folds in the dumpling are created by deftly lifting the steamed batter with a spatula and swirling it over the filling.


Filling –

  • 300 g Chicken, minced
  • 200 g Onion, minced
  • 300 g Prawn, minced
  • 300 g Sweet turnip
  • 150 g Peanuts, crushed
  • 5 g Fish sauce
  • 3 g Salt
  • 300 g Palm sugar
  • 200 g White sugar
  • 2 Tbsp oil

For the batter –

  • 125 g rice flour
  • 2 ½ Tbsp tapioca flour
  • 500 ml water
  • food colouring (optional)


For the filling – 

  1. Over medium heat, add 1-2 Tbsp of oil into pan. Add the minced garlic, and onion. Stir until the onion is translucent.
  2. Add the minced meat & prawn and stir to cook.
  3. Follow with crushed peanuts and turnip. Stir to mix everything together.
  4. Season with sugar, salt, fish sauce and ground pepper. Continue stirring to mix all the ingredients well.
  5. Cook until the mixture is semi-dry and lightly browned. Set aside and let allow to cool.

For the dumpling –

  1. Combine all the rice flour ingredients and mix well. Stir until dissolved to form a fine batter. You may add food colouring if desired.
  2. As an alternative to the steamer used in the video, you may use a piece of white cotton cloth or just any round flat dish; place and tie it tightly over the top of a pot, leaving about 1 inch on one side for steam to pass through. Add water to about 3/4 level, then place the pot over medium heat until boiling.
  3. When the steam appears through the pot, spread a thin layer of batter on the cloth, cover and steam for about a minute.
  4. Place a little bit of filling in the centre of the steamed batter and swirl it over the filling using a spatula.
  5. Lift out and serve on plates with some fresh greens, then sprinkle with fried garlic.

Khao Kriab Pak Moh

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