How to Cook Thai Mushroom Salad (Laab Hed Fang)

A quick and easy salad using cooked local mushrooms and fresh herbs. Recipe and instructions by Chef Kamsin of Shangri-La Chiang Mai.


500 g Straw mushrooms
80 g Shallots
20 g Ground rice
20 g Spring Onion
10 g Chilli flakes
80 g Galangal
10 g Kaffir lime leaves, chopped
3 tbs Fish sauce
50 g Lime juice
10 g Coriander, chopped


1. Clean and cut all the ingredients and steam the mushroom on high heat for 10 minutes.
2. Place the cooked mushroom pieces in a mixing bowl and season with fish sauce, ground roasted chilli and lemon juice.
3. Add fresh herbs, chilli and roasted rice and mix well.
4. Garnish with more herbs, then serve.

Thai Mushroom Salad aka Laab Hed Fang, Shangri-La Chiang Mai

Thai Mushroom Salad aka Laab Hed Fang, Shangri-La Chiang Mai

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