Travel Diary Kuala Lumpur – Central Market (Part 3)

Central Market & Swiss Inn, Chinatown

It’s time to catch up with People Express’ Diana who helps me with the aforementioned errands. We drop in for a quick walkaround the nearby Central Market, which is a hub for traditional arts and craft.

There are a number of food stalls in the mall outside the Central Market building itself, with beautifully presented food.

Having just had breakfast and with lunch back at the Swiss Inn looming, we skip the food and opt for some coconut juice instead.

Satay stall at Central Market

Satay stall at Central Market

Puttu stall at Central Market

Puttu stall at Central Market

Fresh coconut juice at the mall outside Central Market – aka how Aussies do coconut juice wrong – the best part of drinking fresh coconut juice is eating the soft, silky flesh scraped from the inside of the coconut

Fresh coconut juice at the mall outside Central Market – aka how Aussies do coconut juice wrong – the best part of drinking fresh coconut juice is eating the soft, silky flesh scraped from the inside of the coconut

Inside Central Market itself the stores are divided into sections covering the different cultures that represent the Malaysian landscape. This one is called Nyonya alley

Straits Chinese aka Nyonya Alley in Central Market

Straits Chinese aka Nyonya Alley in Central Market

I love colourful Malaysian kites (wau) as seen hanging at this stall –

Malaysian kites at Central Market

Malaysian kites at Central Market

We manage to get all my errands out of the way (getting a data top-up on the sim card picked up by my driver the night before turns out to be more challenging than I had expected and we finally manage to get it done by a store that also charges me RM5 for the “service” involved in doing so. First time for everything, I guess.

We head back to Chinatown, walking past these Chinese and Hindu temples that succinctly capture the multicultural, multi-faith feature of Kuala Lumpur

Chinese temple

Chinese temple

Hindu temple where a wedding was taking place

Hindu temple where a wedding was taking place

Back at the Swiss Inn, the general manager Mr. Rahman has prepared a delicious lunch for us. The satays served on a sizzling mini satay grill at your table is such a genius idea I’m going to get these grills brought to Australia if ever I decide to open another Malaysian restaurant.

Satays on a grill, Swiss Inn

Satays on a grill, Swiss Inn 

Deep-fried wontons, Swiss Inn

Deep-fried wontons, Swiss Inn

Hailam Mee, Swiss Inn

Hailam Mee, Swiss Inn

Cantonese noodles, Swiss Inn

Cantonese noodles, Swiss Inn

Nasi Goreng, Swiss Inn

Nasi Goreng, Swiss Inn


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