How to Make Keropok Ikan (Fish Crackers) – Nasi Kerabu Part 2 of 4

Kelantan is famous for its keropok, but there are in fact two different types – keropok lekor, which is chewy in texture, and this, which is essentially the prawn crackers I grew up eating in my neck of the Malaysian woods, except with fish. Using basa fillets instead of mackerel or featherback etc. is an Australian twist because it’s far and away the cheapest fish available here, but of course, adapt as suits your own circumstances.



Keropok Ikan (Fish Crackers)


500g basa fillets

500g tapioca starch

1 tsp pepper

1 Tbsp chicken powder

Oil for deep-frying


  1. Cut fish fillets into 3-inch wide segments.
  2. Combine with 2 Tbsp tapioca starch, pepper and chicken powder in food processor and pulse until it turns into a paste.
  3. Transfer into a mixing bowl and add remaining tapioca starch. Mix into a firm dough.
  4. Divide into 4 and form into cylinder-shaped rolls about 2-3 inches in diameter.
  5. Steam for 45 minutes on medium heat (if using other than a bamboo steamer, line the lid with a kitchen towel to prevent condensation.
  6. Allow to cool, then refrigerate until cold.
  7. Cut into thin slices, then spread onto trays lined with baking paper.
  8. Oven-bake at 90C for an hour or sun bake for several hours until they dry completely.
  9. Cool, then store in airtight containers until use.
  10. Deep-fry at 180C for about 30 seconds until they puff up and bubbling of oil subsides.
  11. Remove with a sieve and drain on paper towels before serving.


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