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How To Make Kuih Nekbat (Rice Flour Cakes In Syrup) by Chef Rene Juefri

Kuih Nekbat is a delicate rice flour cake soaked in sugar syrup that’s popular in the east coast of the Malaysian peninsula, especially in Terengganu and Kelantan. Masters of Malaysian Cuisine uber chef Rene Juefri, who’s listed as one of the most influential executive hotel chefs working in the Middle East today, is originally from Terengganu, and he has a special interest in showcasing Malaysian sweets and desserts. In this episode of Street Food Journeys: Malaysia, Chef Rene decided to feature Kuih Nekbat, which is incidentally gluten-free, so it makes for a great option for those with gluten-intolerance issues.

Here’s the replay of the entire replay of Street Food Journeys: Malaysia episode 4 (Terengganu), with Rene’s cooking segment starting at about the 7:30 mark –

Kuih Nekbat


250 gm rice flour
3 whole eggs
120 g sugar
Sunflower/corn oil ( to greasing the mold)

250 g sugar
2 cup water
2 pcs pandan leaf
2 cloves


  1. On a low heat, lightly toast the rice flour for few minutes. The aim is to dry the flour out, not brown it so beware of over-toasting. Set aside to cool down.
  2. In the meantime, make the syrup by placing all the ingredients in a pot and bring to the boil. Reduce heat to medium and simmer till the
    sugar dissolves and the mixture thickens slightly. Leave aside to allow the pandan and cloveS to infuse with the syrup.
  3. In a mixing bowl, whisk the eggs and sugar together for 5-7 minutes or till the mixture starts to fluff up. Gradually spoon the flour into the egg mix,
    adding in little by little, folding as you go. Continue till all the flour is incorporated.
  4. Preheat an oven to 180c. Place the mold in the oven for few minutes to warm it up, remove from the oven and grease the mold with some oil.
  5. Spoon the mix into the mold and place in the oven. Bake at 180c for 7-8 minutes till the cake is cooked. Remove from the mold and cool (the kuih can be stored at room temperature in air-tight container for 1-2 weeks).
  6. Lightly soak the kuih in the infused syrup, then serve at room temperature, or slightly chilled.

Also in this episode of Street Food Journeys,

  • I demonstrated how to make a simple Keropok Lekor (East Coast Malaysian fish sausage)
  • Award-winning Malaysian tour guide Shaukani Abbas talks about places of interest in Terengganu which include Perhentian Island, Kapas Island and Redang Island, and also mentions its impressive museum
  • MOMC collaborators The JetLag Warriors experiencing dishes such as Nasi Kerabu, Mee Ikan and Laksa Terengganu
  • German YouTuber and full-time traveller Ken Abroad triying Nasi Dagang bought from a market stall TikTok
  • YouTube star Mark O’Dea with us his thoughts on Keropok Lekor
  • MOMC’s Johari Edrus and Rene Juefri and also MOMC@Heart’s Leeza Yeo answer the question: “What dishes do you think of when you think of Terengganu?”

The recipes for the entire series, produced in partnership with Tourism Malaysia Australia, can be found in the special edition MOMC eMagazine which you can download here >> Click to View or Download

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