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Chiang Mai Travel Diary – Part 4

Day Three and baby Noah is chirpier now that he’s getting a good supply of fresh mango juice, but he’s still a little lethargic. We’re in this remote part of Southeast Asia and the elephant sanctuary, the famous Wat Phrathat Doi Suthep temple up in the hills and the long necked mountain tribes are all on my wish list but they all involve day trips out of the city. I worry about exacerbating Noah’s condition and decide to stay close to the hotel instead.

Baby Noah at breakfast
Baby Noah at breakfast
Shangri-La Chiang Mai’s Horizon Club Lounge makes the best pancakes I’ve ever tasted (and yes that includes the places I’ve been to in the USA).

Within the city and a short walk from the hotel stands the old town – a large area preserved from the days of the Lanna Kingdom that ruled from the 13th-18th century. It is filled with temples and other historically significant architecture. We set out after breakfast to explore the town on foot.

Pantip Plaza is just down the road from the hotel and a quick wander yesterday before the video shoots had led to some purchases of camera and phone supplies at very attractive prices. I’ve seen groups of Malaysian tourists since I arrived and from what I can see of the prices at this mall, Malaysians must look at Thailand as a shopping sanctuary.

Pantip Plaza - where I had picked up a tripod and some phone mounts at great prices.
Pantip Plaza – where I had picked up a tripod and some phone mounts at great prices.
Chiang Mai old city
Chiang Mai old city
One of many temples in Chiang Mai’s Old Town

Chiang Mai temple

Chiang Mai temple

Chiang Mai temple

Then it’s back to the hotel for a dip in the pool. Noah is a bit subdued and clearly still recovering from his temperature.

Noah in a contemplative mood in the children’s pool.
Noah in a contemplative mood in the children’s pool.
Each time we go to the pool, an attendant brings us some fresh fruit and chilled face towels.
I love these beautifully-presented towels.

I’m told there’s a Saturday night bazaar at Wua Lai Road a 10-minute drive away. This gives us the chance to hop on a tuk-tuk for the first time ever.

Our first ever tuk-tuk ride in Chiang Mai, Thailand.Flashback: Our first ever tuk-tuk ride in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Posted by Jackie M. on Thursday, October 8, 2015

 Our first ever tuk-tuk ride in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

There are food and non-food stalls aplenty, and the place is buzzing with tourists.

Chiang Mai’s Saturday night market food stall

Posted by Jackie M. on Thursday, October 8, 2015

 Chiang Mai’s Saturday night market food stall

Some of the food on offer –

Grilled seafood
This was labelled as squid eggs – I bought some out of curiosity but the flavours were quite subtle.
All kinds of meat on skewers
The sign on this stall says “Baby Queen Pineapple” - they’re the smallest pineapples I’ve ever seen - about the size of a fist. Some Malaysians or Indonesians (I forget) told me when I shared this pic previously that it’s called nenas/nanas madu (ie. honey pineapple in Malay/Indonesian).
The sign on this stall says “Baby Queen Pineapple” – they’re the smallest pineapples I’ve ever seen – about the size of a fist. Some Malaysians or Indonesians (I forget) told me when I shared this pic previously that it’s called nenas/nanas madu (ie. honey pineapple in Malay/Indonesian).

“Let It Be”Busker singing “Let It Be” in the middle of the night market.

Posted by Jackie M. on Thursday, October 8, 2015

Busker singing “Let It Be” in the middle of the night market.

I love that we covered good (tourist) ground today but go to bed wondering if we’ll have the chance to visit the elephants and Thailand’s oldest zoo and the mountain tribes as we retire to bed.

Chiang Mai Travel Diary – Part 1
Chiang Mai Travel Diary – Part 2
Chiang Mai Travel Diary – Part 3

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