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How to Cook Silken Noodles with Grilled Lobster (Kway Teow Siram)

Kway Teow Siram aka Silken Noodles is very easy to make at home – in this video, I used grilled lobster and tobiko to give it a luxurious twist for the wine dinner I was hosting at Shangri-La Tanjung Aru, Sabah.


250g fresh rice noodles, wide-cut
2 tsp oil
½tsp soya sauce
½ tsp thick soy sauce
½ lobster in shell, brushed with oil, seasoned with salt and grilled
Some Chinese choy sum, cut into 2” lengths and pre-poached

For the sauce –
2 tsp oil
2 tsp minced garlic
30g Tobiko
Meat from ½ lobster, cut into chunks, drenched in tapioca flour and fried
1 ½ cups fresh prawn or seafood stock
2/3 Tbsp chicken stock granules
1 tsp oyster sauce
a dash of pepper
a pinch of sugar
1 ½ Tbsp tapioca starch or cornstarch mixed with equal amount of water
2 eggs


1) Heat oil, then add minced garlic and sauté until aromatic & light brown in colour.
2) Add prawn stock, some water, chicken stock granules, oyster sauce, a dash of pepper and a pinch of sugar.
3) Bring to a low simmer and stir in the tapioca starch mixture.
4) Throw in the eggs and stir for about 10-20 seconds until mixture is thickened, then remove from heat and set aside.
5) Heat 1 tsp oil in wok until smoking hot.
6) Add noodles, toss, then add a bit of soy sauce.
7) Continue tossing the noodles, then add a bit of thick soy sauce.
8) Pour sauce over noodles and serve with the grilled lobster and pre-poached Chinese choy sum.

Kway Teow Siram in Shangri-La Tanjung Aru
Kway Teow Siram in Shangri-La Tanjung Aru

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