mango ice cream
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How to Make Mango Ice Cream

This recipe will work with a Thermocook or Thermomix, but you can produce the same results manually in the absence of either. Mango Ice Cream Recipe INGREDIENTS: 600g double cream OR coconut cream 3 eggs 120g honey 400g mango flesh ½ tsp salt METHOD: Combine all ingredients and blend in Thermocook (or blender) at Speed…

Mango sticky rice
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How to Make Mango Sticky Rice & Mango Lassi

Summer Fruit Festival Recipe #4 – Mango Sticky Rice & Mango Lassi *Mango Sticky Rice Recipe INGREDIENTS: 1 cup glutinous rice, rinsed 1 cup coconut cream 2 Tbsp honey Pinch of salt METHOD: Place rice in steamer basket and steam with basket semi-immersed in water for 25 minutes. Alternatively, cook on stove-top or in rice…