Spiral Curry Puffs using a Thermomix
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Spiral Curry Puffs using a Thermomix

One of the benefits of making dough in the Thermomix, for me, is its ability to handle small-ish batches and also contain the flour and other ingredients within its closed system during kneading. It means you don’t end up with your kitchen bench covered with flour, which was always a source of annoyance with my old Kenwood….

How to Make Garlic Chilli Sauce (Thermomix)
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How to Make Garlic Chilli Sauce (Thermomix)

If you don’t own a Thermomix, you can quite easily make this in a regular blender – it takes longer and may require more stopping and stirring/scraping but that’s about it. If this were all the Thermomix is capable of, it’d be a pretty expensive blender, but of course, it can do quite a few…

Jackie M’s Thermomix Review
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Jackie M’s Thermomix Review

I think the first I heard about Thermomix was round about when The Katering Show’s YouTube series came out (warning: language). I really didn’t know much about it and figured it was sort of a glorified blender for people (read: rich Westerners) whose diets consisted mainly of healthy dips and smoothies. I don’t do “healthy”, and…