Vegetarian Toor Dhal Recipe

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A.k.a. what I serve my roti with.  Also works well with rice or as a dip with any bread.

Awfully long list of ingredients, but super easy to make.  For the record, the pic here was from my first attempt at this dish; it should be and is nowadays a lot mushier in texture and consistency.

Serves 6

Most of the ingredients for this recipe can be obtained at Indian grocery stores.

Ingredients –

400g toor dhal – soaked overnight, then strained

1/3 cup vegetable oil

2 onions, pureed

1 TBS garlic, minced

½ TBS turmeric powder

½ TBS asafoetida powder

100ml tamarind extract

4 whole, green chillies

½ TBS mustard seeds

½ TBS cumin seeds – gently dry-roasted

¼ TBS fenugreek seeds – gently dry-roasted

2 stems curry leaves

1 TBS salt

2 TBS mushroom seasoning (optional)

1.5L water

1 can whole, peeled tomatoes

4 potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks

Instructions –

  1. Heat the vegetable oil in a thick-based saucepan and brown the onion and garlic in it.
  2. Add everything except the potatoes and tomatoes, and simmer gently for about 30 minutes.
  3. Add the remaining ingredients and cook until the potatoes are soft and the lentils are of a mushy consistency – approximately 20 minutes.
  4. Taste and adjust seasoning as required.
  5. Serve with flaky roti, rice or bread.

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