Mee Goreng – Street Eats Journey Part 3

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Mee Goreng  in the Middle of a Palm Plantation

In this installment of my Street Eats Journey, we travelled inland to Carotino’s palm oil plantation in Pahang. We arrived late in the day in Pahang’s capital, Kuantan – my first time there – and caught up with Jonathan who had driven up from the Carotino Johor office.

Breakfast enroute to the plantation. L-R - Morgan, Alex, Jonathan and moi.

Breakfast enroute to the plantation. L-R – Morgan, Alex, Jonathan and moi.

He took us out for a fabulous meal in a foodcourt restaurant as we discussed the shoot for the next day. Jonathan is a keen angler and outdoorsman and his 4WD was equipped with a chiller box in the back. This allowed us to head out to a local supermarket to buy some items for my cooking session at the plantation the next day.

 I’d discussed it with my director Alex, and we’d agreed I would cook Mee Goreng – it’s a quintessentially Malaysian dish that incorporates the kind of fusion ingredients and cooking style that reflect Malaysia’s multi-ethnic composition.

Click here to watch on YouTube >>

If you have a copy of my Street Food at Home cookbook, you will have seen my Mee Goreng recipe in there; out in the middle of nowhere however, and only doing my shopping in a supermarket, I had to keep things simple.

 These are the ingredients I used in this segment (please note all quantities are “agak-agak” ie. approximate guesses) –

 Easy Mee Goreng

2 Tbsps Carotino oil

250g Hokkien aka egg noodles

handful of Chinese greens eg. choy sum, cut into 2-inch lengths

2 tsps minced garlic

1 tomato, quartered

1 sprig curry leaves

2 Tbsps tomato ketchup

1 tsp chilli paste

2 Tbsps kicap manis

1 Tbsp soya sauce

½ tsp chicken stock granules

2 pieces tofu, sliced (I used tofu puffs because that’s all I could find)

1 egg (optional, because I forgot to buy eggs)

1 Tbsp fried shallots

 Mee Goreng made at the Carotino Plantation

Setting up for the shoot, my cameraman Morgan (aka The Travel Bug) managed to prank me by pretending he’d cut his hand badly trying to cut the tomatoes. Fun fact – ketchup really, really looks like gory blood. Another fun fact – Morgan used to be in the TV show Young Hercules, so he is a convincing actor.



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