Gunung Reng at the Kelantan/Perak border in northern Malaysia.

How About Malaysia?

Print PDF Have you ever visited Malaysia? Thought about it, maybe? I’ve talked to lots of Aussies at my food stalls over the years. (Contrary to perception I am occasionally approachable. It has been known to happen.) More than a handful have been to Malaysia. They were there because of work. Or they were transiting…

How to Cook Penang Kapitan Chicken Curry
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How to Cook Penang Kapitan Chicken Curry

Print PDF Kapitan Chicken Curry is one of the more popular dishes in my range of frozen Prepared Meals, but as anyone who’s watched any of the cooking videos on my YouTube Channel would know, I’m a big believer in shortcuts; I’m the first to admit a lot of liberties are taken with my recipes….

Jackie M’s Travel Diary – Shangri-La Rasa Sayang Resort, Penang
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Jackie M’s Travel Diary – Shangri-La Rasa Sayang Resort, Penang

Print PDF Most Westerners who’ve travelled to Malaysia will almost invariably have covered Penang, so they’re often surprised to find they know the place better than I do. I have to admit being a “southerner” – I was born and raised in Seremban, 40 miles south of Kuala Lumpur – Penang has always been a…

Ramadan Around Malaysia – My Google Hangouts-On-Air
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Ramadan Around Malaysia – My Google Hangouts-On-Air

Print PDF I’m almost scared to announce this for fear of jinxing these Live Broadcasts but here it goes! After a 3 months+ enforced hiatus from my weekly Google Hangouts-On-Air thanks to my relocation nightmare that included a failed internet service restore, I’m back in the game with a vengeance. I’m running a series of…

Ikan Bakar (Grilled Fish) at Tanglin
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Jackie M’s Non-Definitive and Desperately Incomplete Guide to Dining in KL

Print PDF Petronas Twin Towers from my Traders Hotel KL room.The topic of where to eat in KL has been done to death, as I’m sure most people who spend an inordinate amount of time online will protest – so why am I adding my two cents’? How’s this post different from others out there?…