Folks, the Cabramatta Moon Festival is coming up again on Sunday 23 September, 2018. As per last year, a certain "superstar chef and Cabra Community member" (hey, I'm just quoting the Cabramatta FB page) will be onstage to do a cooking demonstration, so if you're based in Sydney, do try and catch me at 3.10pm on the John Street main » Read More
SatéBoyz Giveaways and Me Oi Vietnamese Restaurant
You’ve heard me say that many Asian ingredients go by different names in different countries (I’m assuming you watch my Live Asian Kitchen religiously; if not, why not). The reverse is also true - some ingredients with the same name actually mean different things in different countries. This is one example - Vietnamese Saté Sauce - which is a » Read More
How to Cook Vietnamese Sweet & Sour Fish Stew
I had the opportunity to try Vietnamese Sour Fish Stew and Vietnamese Caramelised Fish for the first time recently in Canley Vale, and was so captivated I had to try to recreate these dishes. In this Twitch Live Asian Kitchen I used Barramundi fillets instead of eel or whole fish - mainly to keep it simple and accessible to those who struggle with » Read More