Cucumber and Garlic Salad
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How to Make Cucumber and Garlic Salad

I’ve had this a number of times at restaurants serving Shanghai food here in Sydney, and this is my own quick variation on it. Cucumber and Garlic Salad Recipe INGREDIENTS: 2 cucumbers, cut into chunks and slightly crushed 5 garlic cloves, minced 3 bird’s eye chillies, sliced ¼ cup vinegar (pref. black vinegar) or juice…

fruit salad - fresh
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How to Make Filipino-Style Fruit Salad

Summer Fruit Festival Recipe #5 – Filipino-Style Fruit Salad INGREDIENTS: Combination of fruits – bananas, nectarines, papaya, grapes, apples, pineapple, fresh coconut etc. – in bite-sized chunks 1 ½  cups whipped cream ½ cup condensed milk ¼ cup coconut cream Pinch of salt METHOD: Combine whipped cream, condensed milk, coconut cream and salt in a…