Introducing TeebTV – A Regional “Netflix-for-Indies”
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Introducing TeebTV – A Regional “Netflix-for-Indies”

Back in late June, I made an announcement about my appointment as a co-founder of, a “Netflix-for-Indies” startup based in Indonesia and Malaysia. Ever since then, I’ve been inundated with messages regarding my original post, so I’ve decided to compile a quick introduction and to clarify some common misunderstandings about TeebTV. What we are NOT – …

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Jackie M TeebTV Announcement

I’m the (newly-appointed) co-founder of an Indonesian-Malaysian Netflix-for-Indies startup called TeebTV and there’s an opportunity if you’re a content creator, to get your work added to our library and in front of our audience. We’re looking for the following in all genres – short films, music videos, animation, feature films and TV shows. Our subscriber…