How to Make Curry Puffs (Air Fryer)
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How to Make Curry Puffs (Air Fryer)

AKA #TelstraFail – Season 2, Episode 1 (Season 1 ended with a call from Telstra’s CEO’s team per updated on this blog post >> My Case Against Telstra — a third world service run by first class bullies A cautionary tale – when you sign up for a new Telstra service, don’t be fooled by the world-class…

chicken curry and curry puffs
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How to Cook Malaysian Chicken Curry & Vegetarian Curry Puffs

Someone on Facebook posted about Married At First Sight the other day, and I commented that reality television is anything but real (I’m not generally known to butt into discussions about shows I’ve never watched, by the way). After this broadcast I came to the conclusion that my livestreams are in fact the new…

Spiral Curry Puffs using a Thermomix
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Spiral Curry Puffs using a Thermomix

One of the benefits of making dough in the Thermomix, for me, is its ability to handle small-ish batches and also contain the flour and other ingredients within its closed system during kneading. It means you don’t end up with your kitchen bench covered with flour, which was always a source of annoyance with my old Kenwood….