Food blogs are a dime a dozen – besides, for better or worse, anyone can blog 😉

My point of difference is that mine is written from the perspective of someone in the trenches – I’m the person whose food gets reviewed and critiqued by other food blogs and publications.

For those who aren’t familiar with me, my name is Jackie M, and I’m the owner and head cook at Jackie M Malaysian Cuisine, the author of the cookbook Jackie M Truly Malaysian: Street Food at Home and the founder and curating editor of the quarterly iPad App/e-Mag, Truly Malaysian (

I also run a sometimes-neglected personal blog – – which talks about my life growing up in Malaysia and my migrant experience in Australia.

The non-recipe-related articles will give you a sneak peek into my world of running a food business on a shoestring, having left behind a career in IT back in 2001 to figuratively take up my parents’ mantle as street food vendors.   And doing so as the single parent of a disabled baby who spent the first 7 months of his life in the ICU.

As for the recipe/instructional posts, I’m hoping they will help expand your interest in Malaysian food and culture, and that you will find this blog useful as a reference point for cooking Malaysian meals.

Nb. All material in this website including photos, recipes and videos are my own.  No reproduction/copying without my written consent.


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