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How To Make Vegan Kaya II

This was my second attempt at a vegan version of Kaya; the first time around, I used mashed taro (=>
https://jackiem.com.au/2017/02/23/make-vegan-kaya-onde-onde/ ), which basically tasted like sweetened mashed taro. Nice, but you’re not fooling anyone who has any inkling of what kaya is like.

This new recipe is adapted from one I found at MoreThanVeggies.sg; it looks fabulous and the texture is just right, but I’ll admit it is cloyingly sweet so I’ve changed the amount of sugar in this write-up.

Also, maybe it’s because I know it contains tofu, but I can’t get past the hint of beancurd when I eat it. I don’t know; maybe I’m setting too high a bar for vegan food but this isn’t going to make me give up the real deal anytime soon.

If you live in Sydney and want to help offload me of this solitary jar of uber sweet kaya currently sitting in my fridge, hit me up; I only made it two days ago during my Twitch Live Asian Kitchen, so it’ll keep for a few more weeks yet.

Vegan (Tofu Kaya)


300g silken tofu

150g sugar

300ml coconut cream

2 TBSP pandan juice or 2 drops pandan colouring

1/2 tsp salt


  1. Blend tofu into a paste in a blender.
  2. Transfer into a heavy-based, non-stick saucepan, add all other ingredients and cook on low heat, stirring until it thickens to nearly the consistency of jam.
  3. Remove from heat, blend again if lumpy, then transfer into a glass jar. Allow to cool before storing in the refrigerator. It should keep for about 4-6 weeks.


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