Papparich_nasi lemak
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Papparich Sydney CBD

Back during my restaurant days the common complaint among food bloggers was how strange it was that Malaysian food was under-represented here in Sydney. I always replied with pent-up rage that it wouldn’t be so strange if they knew the amount of work that went into cooking it. (Running a restaurant was a stressful gig, alright.)

I’m glad things are starting to change, because now that I no longer own a Malaysian restaurant, I do crave Malaysian food (as opposed to the old days when I actively avoided it when eating out). One restaurant that is fast becoming a favourite among Malaysian food lovers is Papparich, with their latest outlet now open on Liverpool Street in Sydney’s CBD.

Because I’m kind of a big deal (I’m kidding), I was invited to experience some of its offerings over the weekend, so I dragged my kids Noah and Becky, plus Becky’s husband Micko, along. Here are some pics of what we ordered –

Becky had the Milo Dinosaur towards the back, while I went for Teh Tarik (pulled tea) –

teh tarik

I don’t remember the name of this drink which had lychees in it, but my Micko said it was delicious – 

Drink with Lychees

Pappa Deep-Fried Chicken Skin – compulsory guilty pleasure –

Pappa Deep-Fried Chicken Skin

I know this as kangkung belacan, but on the menu it’s called Sambal Spinach, probably because they got tired of explaining what “kangkung” and “belacan” mean (I feel their pain) –

kangkung belacan

Dry Curry Egg Noodles with Curry Chicken. Pro tip – “dry” means as opposed to “in soup” ie. noodles tossed with sauce vs noodles in a bowl of clear broth. You always need to specify when ordering these types of noodles in Malaysia or risk not getting what you asked for, so Papparich has made it easy for you here.

Dry Curry Egg Noodles with Curry Chicken

Roti Canai in the foreground, and Nasi Lemak back right. Funnily enough my 4-year old could handle the chilli sambal in the Nasi Lemak better than my 24-year old.

Papparich_nasi lemak

Pappa Wat Tan Hor, ie. fresh rice noodles with silky egg sauce, a Becky dining-out staple.

Wat tan hor

Apart from all this, we also had Ipoh Koay Teow Soup (aka Ipoh Sar Hor Fun) – Noah’s favourite along with the Nasi Lemak – and also a bowl of Tau Foo Fa (Beancurd with Sugar Syrup) for yours truly.

If you think that sounds like a lot of food, it was – we ended up with 4 boxes of leftovers along with a grab bag of the remaining chicken skin.

Next time, I’m going to try the Biryani Rice and the Satays and the Curry Laksa…plus that drink Micko had, whatever it was.


Address: 57 Liverpool street, Sydney NSW, 2000

Phone: (02) 9261 2282



Trading Hours

  • Monday: 11am – 10pm
  • Tuesday: 11am – 10pm
  • Wednesday: 11am – 10pm
  • Thursday: 11am – 10pm
  • Friday: 11am – 10pm
  • Saturday: 11am – 10pm
  • Sunday: 11am – 10pm


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