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Seterpa Homestay – Travel Diary Kelantan – Part 5

Seterpa Homestay and other food stops

We traveled about 20 minutes to our next location to Seterpa Homestay, and as you can see, you don’t have to travel very far out of the city centre to experience Kelantan in all its rural glory.

Pulling up to Seterpa Homestay in KelantanFLASHBACK: Pulling up to Seterpa Homestay in Kelantan

Posted by Jackie M. on Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Pulling up to Seterpa Homestay in Kelantan

I’d experienced kampung stay at Sukasuka Lake Retreat in Perak just before my Kelantan trip, but this would be my first time checking out a Homestay property. Homestay vacations are a tourism initiative where rural kampung houses are turned into B&Bs for travellers wanting to experience life with a local family in a Malay village setting.

Mak Long’s Seterpa Homestay is registered with the official Homestay Programme, which means it has been certified to meet tourism standards
Mak Long’s Seterpa Homestay is registered with the official Homestay Programme, which means it has been certified to meet tourism standards
Baby Noah and the other kids hanging out while we grown-ups check out the main homestay house
Baby Noah and the other kids hanging out while we grown-ups checked out the main homestay house
One of the rooms available for homestay travellers at Seterpa
One of the rooms available for homestay travellers at Seterpa
The Seterpa Homestay living room, with traditional kampung house furniture and decorations
The Seterpa Homestay living room, with traditional kampung house furniture and decorations
One of many flower arrangements in the house
One of many flower arrangements in the house
Coconuts maturing under a bench outside the house. The property is surrounded by rice fields.
Coconuts maturing under a bench outside the house. The property is surrounded by rice fields.
Our buffet lunch at Seterpa - THIS is my kind of catered food.
Our buffet lunch at Seterpa – THIS is my kind of catered food.
The kids finally make their way to the main house at lunch, and my kampung boy baby Noah decides to sit in his favourite spot - on the doorstep - a la Sukasuka Lake Retreat
The kids finally made their way to the main house at lunch, and my kampung boy baby Noah decided to sit in his favourite spot – on the doorstep – a la Sukasuka Lake Retreat

We got to learn 3 different Kelantan kuihs at Seterpa (recipes to follow next post) and then we headed back on the road.

We drove past a stall selling these Kelantanese kuihs, so we just HAD to stop to pick some up to try –

Street stall selling traditional Kelantan kuihs>
Street stall selling traditional Kelantan kuihs

I’d heard from my friend Aspaliza about Kelantan’s famous, thick murtabak, which you can buy frozen; we decided to stop over at the cottage where it’s made –

local businesses
Fun fact – a lot of businesses in Kelantan are named D’ – eg. D’Royal in this case – I asked our guide and he couldn’t tell me why.

Murtabak RajaMurtabak Raja (royal murtabak) was created for Kelantan royalty hence its name, and the recipe is the original from the palace.

Posted by Jackie M. on Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Murtabak Raja (royal murtabak) was created for Kelantan royalty hence its name, and the recipe is the original from the palace

The unique looking Serimas Murtabak Raja of Kelantan is so famous you can buy it at tourist outlets at the airport
The unique looking Serimas Murtabak Raja of Kelantan is so famous you can buy it at tourist outlets at the airport

One of the other products by the same business is Kelantanese bubur lambuk (congee) –

I’ve had bubur lambuk in Melaka and KL; this is the Kelantan version, which is dark and also sweet. In other words, completely different.
I’ve had bubur lambuk in Melaka and KL; this is the Kelantan version, which is dark and also sweet. In other words, completely different.

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Tourism Malaysia - Kelantan     http://www.go2homestay.com/homestay-seterpa/      



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